I Choose Oracle Deck - $44.95 +p/h

Pre Order Print Run

This deck will help souls to connect with their intuitions that

they can trust their inner voice and make decisions that are

aligned with their true desires and values.


We can choose which path we follow, which family or friends are in our lives, how we react to situations, where we live and so much more. The key is being conscious in our thoughts, our feelings and to be present in the moment, so you can see the choices available to you & be confident to make the best one for you at the time!

This deck is a dedication to my beautiful mum - a combination of the lessons I learnt from my mum before she gained her wings and what I have learnt on my journey since that day.

Barbara Anne Dunn (RIP) who instilled into me that we always have a choice, no matter what the situation. We may not like the choices before us, however there is no denying that they are always there!

My vision is that you are able to use this deck for not only yourself but also to help others along their journey! Please listen to you inner voice when reading these cards - trust what you feel, see, hear and know to be true as there is no right or wrong way to read them! To use simply shuffle the cards, ask a question or leave it up to your spirit team and the card you need at that time.

Thank you for choosing my deck & in turn supporting me & my family!

I hope you love it as much as I have loved creating it!

Much Love

Kira Marie xxx

**Pre Order Print Run** This is a pre order, once I receive minimum 10 orders I will then send this to the print company to run the order, their turnover is pretty quick with only being up to 4 days in the past. I will notify you via your email address or mobile number (which ever you fill out in check out) through out the process to keep you informed. 💙

**Once Payment is made this is confirmation that you have read & agree with the disclaimer below + terms of service.

DISCLAIMER ** The readings, healings, meditations & mentoring provided by Kira Marie are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information given to you, including any actions you take, is your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgement.
For legal purposes, I have to advise you the readings are there for entertainment purposes only.
Readings are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified experts.**

Love and light💙